Sunday, February 5, 2012

CNHR Request for Applications for Research Career Development Grants, 2012

 As part of its mandate of national research capacity strengthening, the Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR) invites applications for Research Career Development Grants (RCDGs) from qualified Kenyan researchers (currently based in Kenya or working within the Diaspora) who wish to further develop their careers while undertaking research and training programmes.

The grants aim at enabling successful applicants to obtain high-quality research training that will lay the foundation for a successful independent
research career.

The long term aim is to build a critical mass of researchers undertaking relevant research for health for the betterment of the health of Kenyans.

The RCDGs are for periods of not more than eighteen (18) months and will be offered to successful applicants who apply for consideration either as Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mid-Career Research Fellow or Mid-Career Clinical Research Fellow.

The award will target young researchers who would wish to develop their own research niches/teams within the next 3-5 years, and especially

a) Qualified young researchers based within the public universities, private universities or in private practice, and

b) young researchers in the Diaspora who wish to return to Kenya to establish viable independent research careers in universities or research institutions.

In both cases, special emphasis will be made to qualified women researchers, without denying opportunities to qualified men.

The detailed advert, including eligibility criteria, the application guidelines, application process, selections process and other relevant information can be found on the CNHR website
The RCDG Application Form should be submitted electronically as an email attachment with all
relevant enclosures. In addition, two (2) hardcopies should also be sent to the CNHR Nairobi Office to be received by 5.00 p.m. (17.00 Hours), Friday 30th March 2012.

The application package should be addressed to:

By email:

By post:

The Director,
Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR),
P.O. Box 29832 – 00202, KNH, Nairobi, Kenya

By Courier:

CNHR Office, Lenana Road, adjacent to Wood Avenue,
Tel. (+254) (0)733-572803; (0)713-781814
(Site map is available on the CNHR website).

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