Friday, April 30, 2010

Association of African Higher Education Financing Agencies (AAHEFA) Logo Competition

The Association of African Higher Education Financing Agencies (AAHEFA) is an institution that seeks to promote information exchange and cooperation among organizations that offer financing for higher education in Africa.

The Association’s registered office is in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
he founder members of the Association are:-

  1. Higher Education Students Loans’ Board of Tanzania (HESLB).

  2. Higher Education Loans Board of Kenya (HELB).

  3. Students’ Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR).
Key objectives of AAHEFA are:

  1. To facilitate exchange of skills, information and expertise between members and other organizations related to higher education,

  2. To share experiences and information on common matters and to increase students’ access to higher education finance within and outside Africa

  3. To facilitate cooperation and open up links between higher education Financing Agencies of Africa and other similar organizations,

  4. To harmonize matters relating to Higher Education Financing Agencies among the members.
AAHEFA requires a logo and motto which summarizes, represents and reflects the Associations objectives. The logo shall be an image or stylized wording (or both).

Guidelines for the logo competition AAHEFA hereby invites interested individuals and/or firms to participate in a public competition to design an innovative logo and motto commensurate to the Association’s objectives.

The logo must be clear and immediately identifiable as it will be used in all corporate
materials and website.

The logo shall be presented in two versions: one version shall be in black and white and the other in full colour (high resolution),

  1. Entry should be submitted on A3 size paper and in PDF, JPEG or TiFF soft copy, on a Windows readable compact disk,

  2. The design shall be accompanied by a written description of its features and meaning,

  3. Entrants in the competition should provide their names, postal, email address and daytime telephone number along with any other information,

  4. The design of the winning entry or any other entry that participates in the competition will, subject to modification be used in designing the Association’s logo

  5. The best three entries will be awarded a prize of US$ 1,000 each.
Conditions to be observed

The following conditions will be observed:

  1. The competition is open to all interested individuals and firms in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.

  2. Any material, graphic software or other items prepared by an entrant in the competition shall belong and remain the property of the Association.

  3. The Association shall reserve the right to register the winning logo as its copyright.

  4. Judges’ decision is final and not open to appeal whatsoever.
The designs which shall be sealed in plain sealed envelopes and marked “AAHEFA - LOGO COMPETITION” should be delivered or posted to the following address:

The Chief Executive Officer / Board Secretary
Higher Education Loans Board
P. O. Box 69489-00400
Nairobi, Kenya.

Or be deposited in the tender box on 19th Floor at Anniversary Towers, Nairobi, so as to be received on or before Monday 19th April 2010, at 2.00pm.

Entries will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the entrants or representatives who choose to attend in the HELB Board Room on 19th Floor, Anniversary Towers.

Board Secretary
Higher Education Loans Board.

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